Oil Changes

Oil changes are essential to your vehicle’s performance and long term value. Changing your oil every 3,500 miles enables you to maintain your engine lubrication, cool its components and improve your gas mileage. Taking time to get an oil change is inconvenient, at Edgar’s Tire Shop in Austin, TX, we make oil changes as quick and hassle free as possible and offer specialists oil for all types of vehicles mileages.

Get Your Oil Change at Edgar’s Tire Shop in Austin, TX

When you’re in need of an oil change, you need professionals you can trust that work fast to get you back on the road. At Edgar’s Tire Shop in Austin, TX, we understand the inconvenience of stopping life as usual to get an oil change and have made our oil change process as quick and efficient as possible.




High Mileage


Truck/SUV/Minivan Oil Changes


Synthetic Oil Changes

Choose Edgar’s Tire Shop in Austin, TX for all of your auto repair needs!

Give Us A Call. We’ll take a look. 


10800 N Lamar Blvd
Austin, TX 78753


Monday-Saturday: 8:00am – 8:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am – 5:00pm

Edgar’s Tire Shop